Questions with Answers - Modern Sleep

Modern Sleep

Questions? Here are some Answers:

With Modern Sleep how long does it take to work?

  • The answer to this question is it will vary. As we are all unique beings, we all have unique beliefs and physical realities that will contribute to the answer to this question. Many have reported that on night one they slept great, and we have had many reported that it took a couple of days. Here is a nice research experience that we witnessed. There was an event of 400 people and they were all given a bottle of the Sleep Spray and the during the next morning session it was asked how many had a “good night’s sleep” and 90% of them raised their hand and cheered the results. Many wonderful stories were shared, so pleased feel comfortable with where you are and feel where you need to go with the timing and the number of sprays.

    If I wake up during the night, should I take more Modern Sleep?

    • If you have had a pattern of waking more than once during the night, yes, please take extra sprays to continue the signaling to the brain that it is still sleep time. We suggest taking the extra sprays in multiples of three. We call the extra sprays during the night – reminder sprays. We highly suggest not drinking any fluids an hour before bed.

      Is there a point when I can take too much of any of these sprays?

      • There are no toxic dosages to these formulas.

        Should I take the same number of sprays every night with the Sleep prodcut?

        • It is very important to be aware of what transpired during your day. Considerations are - were you extra stressed, or was it a fairly relaxed day, did you enjoy good nutrition? Make your decision according to the day’s events especially at first. A pattern will reveal itself.

           Can I use this sleep product if I’m taking other sleep aids?

          • We have not heard of any problems but one needs to determine if the other sleep aids are working comfortably and offering the results that are sought after.

            Can these product be sprayed topically?

            • Many have reported back great results when cramping, or tightness in the extremities occur with the Modern Sleep and/or the Peacemaker. Just spray at the directed area.

              Is there a de-tox reaction to taking these sprays?

              • The body always wants you to be in a vibrant healthy state and some may need to have a managed de-tox take place so that the receptor sites may be cleaned off for future communication in the brain then consequently the body. In our 13 years of research and producing these products, we have only heard of a handful of people that had a headache, but in all fairness, they were prone to headaches no matter what they did.